The Mind-Expanding Value of Arts Education
The New York Times reports on worldwide declines in funding for arts education and discusses what arts education researchers say students are losing in the process, including lab co-director Brian Kisida.
The New York Times reports on worldwide declines in funding for arts education and discusses what arts education researchers say students are losing in the process, including lab co-director Brian Kisida.
The Sacramento Bee endorsed Proposition 28, a California ballot measure to guarantee funds for arts education. Watch their interview with proponents, former LA Unified School District Superintendent Austin Buetner, and lab co-director Brian Kisida.
Brian Kisida participated in the American Academy of Arts & Sciences’ Congressional Briefing on the value of arts education. The briefing discussed the Academy’s Commission on the Arts’ report, Art for Life’s Sake
A NEW STUDY says an effort to increase arts programming in the Boston Public Schools has helped boost student attendance and promote student and parent engagement with schools, outcomes that arts supporters say provide added rationale for maintaining or enhancing the role of arts in the schools.
Boston Public Schools students who were enrolled in arts education programs had greater school engagement and higher daily attendance, and their parents were more likely to be active in school activities, according to the results of a new study.