Educational Benefits of Arts Partnerships

Educational Benefits of Arts Partnerships

Overview The recent wave of test-based accountability reforms has negatively impacted the provision of K-12 arts educational experiences. Advocates contend that, in addition to providing intrinsic benefits, the arts can positively influence academic and social...
Principal Perspectives on Arts Learning

Principal Perspectives on Arts Learning

A mixed method study to investigate principals’ challenges with providing arts learning opportunities and their perceptions of arts learning opportunities’ impacts on educational outcomes. We also examine whether increases in schools’ arts educational resources...
Arts Benefits for Students Receiving Special Education Services

Arts Benefits for Students Receiving Special Education Services

A randomized control trial study to examine the impacts of arts learning opportunities on educational outcomes with 2,430 students who were receiving special education services at the 42 schools participating in our Arts Access Initiative evaluation. Twenty-one of...
Arts Education Effects on School Engagement and Climate

Arts Education Effects on School Engagement and Climate

A longitudinal investigation in partnership with the education advocacy group EdVestors to examine arts course-taking impacts on student engagement and school climate for students enrolled in Boston Public Schools using student-level administrative and school-level...